Tuesday, June 23, 2009


On the way home from Durango, we took a side trip through Telluride. We just happened into Telluride the day of the re-enactment of the bank robbery by Butch Cassidy and his gang. It was a quaint little downtown with a small festival set up along the main road.

Downtown Telluride Ready for the Festival

Butch and the Gang Heading in for a Drink

Amazing Indian Dancing

Three of My Babies Watching the Dancers

Lunch at a Local Burger Joint

Still Not Too Big for Momma's Lap

The Fam Walking Down Main Street

Stagecoach Rides

Our Drive Home through the Storm and the Rainbow


  1. CO is so pretty. looks like a great trip...we keep talking about making a trip to CO

  2. Bronwyn - It is the most beautiful place in the country! I never thought I could love a "location" so much. You should definitely come for a visit!
