In between the orphanage and playing at the church, we had some time to sight see and SHOP!!!! During my last visit to China, we visited the Emperor's Summer Palace in southern China. This time, we visited the Forbidden City, the site of "The Last Emperor" and other movies surrounding that time period. It is truly overwhelming as the grounds go on and on. There were specific areas in which only the emperor could walk. There were also different palace receiving areas depending on how close to the emperor that one was. It's such a special piece of China's history, and the buildings were beautiful.

Carson, Rowland, and I at the Forbidden City

A Clueless Denver Nuggets "Fan" (Colorado is loved everywhere!!)

The Beautiful Gardens

Rowland STRONGLY Questioned the Rating System!!
Tiananmen Square is directly across the street from the Forbidden City. In 1989, there was a huge student protest that unfortunately ended in bloodshed. When you realize the cry that was being heard around the world, it's a special place to walk.

The View of the Forbidden City from the Square

The Square

Anita and I Posing when Rowland Was Looking for an Action Shot Instead!
The Great Wall was another one of our site-seeing adventures. Suffice it to say that it is a BUNCH of steps that extend for thousands of miles. Anita and I climbed a few, then headed back down to do a little shopping while the guys hiked further up the wall. Once again, we weren't where we were supposed to be when the guys came looking for us. It really wasn't our fault, though. Shopping is an occupation, not a hobby for girls like us!

It Just Goes On and On and On and On

The Group on the Wall

Anita and I Just Before We Got "Lost" Shopping
(Check out the cool parasol and hat! Definite fashion statements! HA!)
How neat that y'all went to China!!!! Wow! Did they really rate the toilets? HA! :) That's so funny! I definitely agree with you on the shopping thing...hmmm...let's see, hiking or shopping...I'll take shopping every time!!! :) Hope you are wonderful!!!