There are about 35 children who live there ranging in age from a small infant to 20 years old. A couple of the children have had cataract surgery and are able to see; several children are blind and autistic; one of the children has CP and was a vegetable, only able to move his eyes yet two days before our visit, he took his first steps! Truly a God miracle!!! The rest of the children are visually impaired or completely blind. All of the children learn to read Braille in Chinese and English, speak Chinese, English, and French, sing songs in all three languages, and love to sing "adult" praise songs to the Lord. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched and listened to those precious children sing praise songs with big smiles on their faces. I truly can't express the emotion that filled my heart. These children have virtually nothing but the love of the workers in that home and, even more importantly, the love of Jesus in their hearts. No one but God could put those beautiful smiles on those precious faces!!
There are round-the-clock "mommas" assigned to the children. In only a matter of months, all of the children and mommas will have moved into houses built on site. Children will range in age just as they do in a traditional family, and the children will be raised in these homes. Furniture has been donated by businesses such as IKEA. The playground equipment in the center of the houses has been donated as well. The foster home is completely run on donations from companies and individuals. In fact, if you would be interested in "sponsoring" a child, you can go to for more information. (There are also many articles about this amazing orphanage on the internet as it was the first blind orphanage in China.)
Bethel grows its own food, has its own goats, chickens, and bunnies, and is self-sustaining in these ways. The staff also teaches the children life skills such as cleaning their rooms, making their beds, being responsible for folding and putting away clothes, cooking, etc. All of the children are very well-mannered and will be trained in some area so that they will eventually be able to support themselves. Those who will never be self-sufficient will be able to remain at the home throughout their lives.
Rowland, Carson, and I fell in love with one of the little boys named Michael. He's William's age, LOVES to play the drums, and calls Rowland and Carson each "guitar man." He was able to distinguish them, though, and after carefully examining Rowland's hair, told Rowland that he had "old hair." You can imagine how much more in love with him I was at that point!! We had such a special time with Michael and are sponsoring him, praying for his forever family, and even asking God (although we feel we already know that the door is closed for us) if we are that family. Please join us in prayer for a special family for this amazing boy!
And as we said good-bye, I knew that I would never forget some of those children. Their little faces and sweet voices will be forever imprinted in my heart and mind. Thank you, God, for giving them people on this Earth who will love them with Your hands and Your feet, and may You bring their forever families to each one of them SOON.
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