Our Group Ready for God's Adventure
Since it's 2:37 in the a.m., and I can't sleep (ugh!), I thought I'd share a little about the beginning of our latest China adventure. Six of us went on the trip, Rowland, Carson (our 14 year old), my best friend Anita (China will NEVER be the same!), Shaun (our 18 year old drummer, and Galen (our keyboardist), and of course, me. We went to lead worship at a 6,000 member church in Beijing, Beijing International Christian Fellowship (BICF) and to spend some time at an orphanage for visually impaired children.

Carson, Possibly the World's Best Traveler, and His Proud Momma
Carson, Rowland, and I had been to China and knew a little of what to expect. The rest were in for a new adventure. We left for the airport at 5:00 a.m. and made our flight just fine. We had a short layover in San Francisco where Rowland and Carson's guitar, which had been gate-checked, were lost in baggage claim. Four of us literally ran for the international terminal as our plane was late while Carson and Rowland went on the great guitar chase. I literally begged and begged for the guy at the United desk to let us get on the plane as we weren't there early enough. Finally, he agreed, and we stalled as much as possible waiting for Carson and Rowland to show up at the desk. I sent Anita, Shaun, and Galen ahead and kept calling for updates on my guys. I thought that if I waited for them and tried my begging act again, the United man would take pity on us and let us all on the plane. Instead, he said that they were too late, and now I was too late, too. Initially, he told us that he couldn't get us on a plane until the following night, which meant we'd miss rehearsal for the Sunday gig. After more begging and Rowland's level-headed explanation, the guy put us on a flight that would leave SF a few hours later, go through Tokyo, and put us in Beijing six hours behind the rest of the group. We tried to switch everyone to the new flight, but there was no room. Rowland called Anita who was running to the gate and told her that they HAD to get on that plane. He gave her our itinerary, and I sent my best friend (the same one I'd promised to take care of) off to China without me. Honestly, I felt so guilty for wanting to be with my family and not being on the plane with Anita. In the end, though, we all made it to Beijing. Hurdle number one cleared!

The Plane We All Rode on Together!
Hurdle number two came when we arrived at the airport in Beijing, realizing that the first group didn't have information on where they'd be staying, a necessity to get into the country. Never to be outsmarted, though, Anita had a flight attendant give her an address to a random hotel in Beijing and even had him translate into Chinese that the driver who was to pick us up needed to come back at 8:10 that night to get the whole group. Hurdle number two partially cleared!
Satan likes to throw hurdles our way, and he was very clever, but God was still on our side. The driver never showed up, nor did the first group's luggage. Supposedly, it was in Beijing, then it was with China Air, then it was at the hotel where Shaun and Galen were staying, then it was lost in thin air. As Rowland found a van for us, hurdle number three was partially cleared!
Fortunately, the guys had brought some change of clothes in their carry-ons, and Anita and I wear the same size. You know when you have a friend, and you think she has cute clothes? Well, Anita and I are lucky in that respect! She looked so good in my clothes that I couldn't wait to wear them again!! Still jumping hurdle number four!
Since Rowland, Carson, Anita, and I were staying in an apartment, we had to register with the police. After searching and searching and searching and searching and searching, we finally happened upon the police station. Apparently, no one we asked either understood what our hand signs for gun and stamp on a paper meant OR they've never been arrested! After literally walking for half a day, we found the police station, turned in all of the documents that were required, including the man's lease whose apartment we were "renting," and they said that we didn't have everything we needed. Since none of us could figure out what was missing, we decided to remain in cognito the rest of the trip! Hurdle dumped but cleared nonetheless!

Galen and Shaun Hanging in Our Apartment
At that point, Galen, Shaun, and the almighty Anita headed back to the airport to run all over the place looking for luggage that was still "somewhere." Supposedly, it would be delivered by 10:00 that night. Right! Instead, Anita and I went shopping for our football player Shaun in a country where there is NO ONE his size and definitely NO clothing his size. We ended up finding some shorts, though, for $5 that he could wear to church the next morning. Exhausted, Anita shopped in my closet once again. (I can't wait for my payback!!) Still working on that hurdle!

Anita in My Clothes - Gorgeous, Huh?
With help from the States, the luggage was found at Air China - except it wasn't at Air China. We also discovered that it had indeed been delivered to the hotel - NOT! I had just about decided that I should've double-packed when, from our of nowhere, the bags appeared Sunday afternoon. We still don't know where they came from or how they got to the hotel, but we were definitely thanking God! Hurdles cleared!!!
Then, the REAL adventure began....