The three younger kids headed back to school today. We're in year-round schools so their five week break has ended. The good news is that they'll have school for nine weeks, then have three weeks off again in September. They were each excited - William to see his friends, Kitty to go to a new school, and Jia to get to sit in a real desk since she's in first grade now! They also each came home with big smiles and had fantastic days. My babies are in 5th, 4th, and 1st grades, and this is the first year since Carson was born when I haven't had any little people at home with me at least a few days a week. I'd like to say that I'm excited, but instead, I'm a little sad. I guess now I won't have too many excuses for not having time to get my house cleaned and the laundry done. Who knows? I might even start cooking dinner!! Nah! I don't want to get overly committed!!
What are you reading?
5 years ago
Year round school!!! Wow! It's good they like it, though. It's been so long since I've updated! When I don't update regularly, I have so much to say that I don't know what to say, if that makes any sense. HA! :) I'll update soon, though...maybe even now. Have a happy Thursday!!! :)