My sweet big girl turned nine years old today! It seems like just yesterday she was my appendage, and now she's Miss Independent, Miss Personality, and unfortunately, Miss Attitude!! What a fabulous day she had today! I love hearing all of the giggles even as I sit here typing. The fun goes on and on!!
After her daddy took her to lunch, Kitty came home and opened her family presents. She had asked for the big Pix-o's set and a BMX bike, and she got them both. Her Nana sent her a beautiful Madame Alexander doll from Armenia to add to her collection, and she got money to spend from other family members. Of course, she already knows where to spend it!!
Tonight, we met a few of her friends at Justice for the "I Want to Be a Rock Star" party, and the girls had a great time. After they were "beautified" and had played a couple of games, we met the rest of the family at Parry's Pizza for dinner, and her big sister Hollie sang "Happy Birthday" to her. What a treat!!
Once home, it was chocolate cake and smores with lots of laughter!! It's almost 10:00, and there's no sign of things calming down anytime soon!! Wonder when the SLEEP part of the SLEEPOVER begins!! Happy Birthday, Our Beautiful Princess!!! We love you so much and are so proud of you and your sweet friends!!!
She looks great as a rock star!!!
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