Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Princess KeKe-Doll!!

The Birthday Girl

My sweet big girl turned nine years old today! It seems like just yesterday she was my appendage, and now she's Miss Independent, Miss Personality, and unfortunately, Miss Attitude!! What a fabulous day she had today! I love hearing all of the giggles even as I sit here typing. The fun goes on and on!!

After her daddy took her to lunch, Kitty came home and opened her family presents. She had asked for the big Pix-o's set and a BMX bike, and she got them both. Her Nana sent her a beautiful Madame Alexander doll from Armenia to add to her collection, and she got money to spend from other family members. Of course, she already knows where to spend it!!

Tonight, we met a few of her friends at Justice for the "I Want to Be a Rock Star" party, and the girls had a great time. After they were "beautified" and had played a couple of games, we met the rest of the family at Parry's Pizza for dinner, and her big sister Hollie sang "Happy Birthday" to her. What a treat!!

The Makeovers Begin

The Rock Stars

Momma and Her Big Girl

Big Sister Hollie and Kitty

Manly Torture

Once home, it was chocolate cake and smores with lots of laughter!! It's almost 10:00, and there's no sign of things calming down anytime soon!! Wonder when the SLEEP part of the SLEEPOVER begins!! Happy Birthday, Our Beautiful Princess!!! We love you so much and are so proud of you and your sweet friends!!!

Chocolate Cake and Wishes


Monday, June 29, 2009

Faithful in My Unfaithfulness

Since I wrote last week about feeling so lonely, God has been amazingly faithful to me once again. That very day, I ran to Target and ran into two friends from church. Both are people I really like and in both instances, I knew that it was a God thing. I know that He was showing me that I am only alone when I want to be alone, that there are people whom He has placed in my life to fill that loneliness if I just reach out to them. I immediately thanked him for those friends.

I spent almost the entire day on the phone with my dear sister-in-law Danea, and we laughed and talked about life until I felt my "tank" become full once again. After all, she is only a phone call away, and she loves me and has loved me for so long. Not many people in this world have a best friend who has been there through thick and thin for 25 years. Again, I thanked God for reminding me of that special friendship.

The next day I spoke to my precious friend Anita and shared my feelings with her. She is incredibly helpful in the way that she listens and helps me think through my schedule, the reality of life. She also volunteered to help me sort through what I want my life to look like, where I want to spend my time, and encouraging me to make time for myself and my friends. Thank you, God, for your faithfulness in providing me with a special friend here.

I even picked up the phone and made a McDonald's play date with a hysterical friend from Bible study. She always makes me laugh, and her kids are sweet boys. We had such a good time just being together and talking about things that don't matter, laughing and filling my "tank" some more. God has blessed me with people like Amy M. who make me laugh and are just "real" people.

Anita and I spent time at the pool one day with the children and enjoyed visiting all the way through dinner with the families. There aren't too many relationships where the husbands seem to enjoy each other as much as the wives enjoy each other. God has been faithful in providing that with David and Anita.

Tonight, we cooked out and had a great time. The kids played great together, and it was a time of laughter and teasing that feeds my soul. As we lay around on the couches in the den, I saw again God's faithfulness in providing people in my life who accept my husband, my children, and me just as we are.

I'm still working through some areas of my life, trying to figure out what God wants my days to look like when the kids are back in school in a week and a half. I truly am unsure of the future, but one thing I do know is that God has shown me His faithfulness, and I know that He will not leave me stranded to figure everything out on my own. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't fulfilled my two week promise of eating well, working out, and spending time in the Word. Fortunately, I follow a God who doesn't keep count. He loves me regardless of my faithfulness, and He is ALWAYS true to His Word, Faithful.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The End of a Career

Our Prima Ballerina

Jia worked so hard this year JUST FOR the recital. Since she saw Kitty in her two recitals when they were younger, Jia has always wanted to be in a recital. She knew that she would have to attend about 36 times before she would be able to step foot on that big stage, and she worked so hard to get there. Each Thursday morning, she would ask me, "What's today?" When I'd tell her it was Thursday, she'd say, "Oh, no, dance..." She made it, though, and she was a beautiful ballerina. Sadly (?), her career has ended.....She did a fabulous job, though.

Mary Poppins' Girls
(Jia is the next to the last on the right.)

Jia Riding Her Horse

Two Sisters

William and Jia

Daddy with His Princess (and a Rose)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Three Stars Are Born!!!

William and Kitty finished Drama Camp today and had their performance. Each of them had speaking parts and solos, and they definitely got their dance moves from their momma! Those two can move it, move it!!!

William's Monologue

Kitty "Footloose"

Carson also finished Rock Band Camp and had his concert tonight. We all enjoyed watching and listening to his guitar leads and bass playing - and you should that kid on the shaker! He can chew gum, shake the shaker, tap his foot, and bob his head all at the same time. Multi-tasking at its finest!!!!

William and I Waiting for the Rock Concert

Carson Playing Bass at the Concert

The Rockers' Curtain Call

Rowland Running Sound

William and Jia Playing DS at Chili's Afterwards

Rowland and I Enjoying Dinner

Kitty and Dee

Momma and Her Rocker Son (Nice Face, Carson!)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

William's Big Performance

William is a member of his school choir, and he has quite a good voice, too! He's sung several solos in different places, and he does a fabulous job. His choir had the amazing honor of singing "The Star Bangled Banner" at the Colorado Rockies game. The choir director is fantastic, and the kids sounded super!

The Choir on the Field

The Boy Has His Own Sense of Style!

Big Brother Still Carries the "Baby"

Kitty with Her Precious Friend

We all had a great time, and the Rockies won!!!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just Don't Get It.....

How do you go from running crazy, wishing life would slow down for just a moment, a completely packed schedule to nothing, loneliness and depression? I read constantly, and I'm actually reading books that are fun and hold my interest, keep me enthralled. I still have my four children and my husband and my home to care for, and yet...the loneliness and depression.

Carson is in Rock Band Camp this week so he's very busy with that. William and Kitty are in Drama Camp this week, and they're having a blast, very busy and loving every minute of it. Jia hangs with me, and we ran errands today, got manicures, had lunch, even stopped by the library to get library cards.

As my niece would say, "It's a Kitty-ism." This particular Kitty-ism is one I could live without! All of the little ones will be back in school July 8th, and then what? I've committed to NOT committing to anything except my weekly doctor's appointment and Sunday morning children's service and Worship Team. There has to be a place in-between the running until I'm about to lose it and the feeling that it's hard to even get up in the morning, the waiting all day until I can go to sleep at night.

How can someone living in a house full of people be so lonely? What am I supposed to be doing? I miss my Danea, my precious sister-in-law and bestest friend in the Universe. I miss my Mom. At times like this, I miss my husband who's upstairs in bed. It's just loneliness and a feeling of emptiness, and it absolutely sucks!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


On the way home from Durango, we took a side trip through Telluride. We just happened into Telluride the day of the re-enactment of the bank robbery by Butch Cassidy and his gang. It was a quaint little downtown with a small festival set up along the main road.

Downtown Telluride Ready for the Festival

Butch and the Gang Heading in for a Drink

Amazing Indian Dancing

Three of My Babies Watching the Dancers

Lunch at a Local Burger Joint

Still Not Too Big for Momma's Lap

The Fam Walking Down Main Street

Stagecoach Rides

Our Drive Home through the Storm and the Rainbow

Durango Trip

Pictures are worth a thousand words!! We had a blast in Durango. Here are a few pictures to enjoy!!

So Much Excitement for a Long Car Ride

Steam Train from Durango to Silverton

Old Technology Meets New (IPhone, ITouch, DS)

Lunch at The Bent Elbow in Silverton

Carson's Almost a Man

My Babies and I Eating "Texas" BBQ - NOT!!

I Love My Man!!!!

A Hat Shop in Durango

Jia with a Flamingo on Her Head

Sheik Carson

The Brewster!!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

My Prince Charming

When I was dating, I was looking for someone who would love me with all of his heart, who would take care of me, and who would never leave me. I knew that I wanted to have children and that I'd like to be a stay-at-home mom, but I never really considered what kind of daddy I was looking for for my future children. Thankfully, God had that taken care of for me.

Rowland is an amazing father. The joke around here is that he's Mr. Mom, and that if I'm to win Mom of the Year, I'll have to beat out my husband! He spends time with each one of the children, whether it's teaching Carson a new guitar lick, taking William to a Rockies game, having breakfast with little Kitty, or taking Jia to Mark Pi's for her favorite lunch. No matter how tired he gets, he always has the extra energy to tuck the kids into bed when I'm on my last leg. He talks to the kids and knows what's important to them, then shows them through his actions that those things are important to him as well. Rowland is very sentimental when it comes to his children. Those moments that move a momma to tears get him crying before the tears fill my eyes. He truly cherishes each child, and each child knows it! He affirms them; he hugs them; he spends time with them; he teases and laughs with them; and most of all, he ALWAYS sacrifices for them!

The Kids Watching the Father's Day Video from Church

Rowland and His Children

A New Corvette Clock

A Portable Hammock

Happy Father's Day to a True Daddy!!!
We love you with all of our hearts!!
(William's Hands Spread out in the Background!)